Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Pet Friendly Landscaping

Do you love landscaping? We do too, and creating a fun and safe environment for your pets is always our goal! PlayTime Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers of Colorado Springs wants to help you keep your yard pet friendly this summer. We have gathered some helpful information to help you create the perfect backyard oasis for you and your whole family.


Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado SpringsWhat is Pet Landscaping? 

Pet Landscaping is much more of a mentality than a “project”. It involves compromise and unique thinking for your pet, but we think that this part is the most fun! Your pets deserve an area that keeps them safe, keeps their minds active, and encourages play. Utilizing pet friendly materials, incorporating fun areas for you AND your pet to enjoy, and providing shade and hydration is key.




Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Mulch- The Do’s and Dont’s

Mulch is a great addition to any home garden or landscaping project, however some types of mulch are much safer for your pets than others.

DO’s: Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Mulch tend to be the safest mulches, but if your pet is known to be a chewer, they should still be supervised to prevent choking.

DONT’s: Cocoa Bean Mulch (made from cocoa shells) is particularly toxic to dogs and should be avoided. Rubber mulch is a controversial subject, as it may contain chemicals that are carcinogenic.



Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Xeriscaping- The Best Materials to Protect your Pooches’ Pads

Xeriscaping is very common in the Pikes Peak Region, understandably so. It is important to choose materials that won’t irritate the bottom of your pup’s feet, while still serving the purpose desired.

Brick and stone, Flagstone and Sand Pavers are not only durable, they also provide a comfortable area for your dog to walk. Soft pebbles, hard sands, and decomposed granite are also smart choices to spruce up your landscape design without compromising your pet’s wellness.



Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Water Features: Keep your Pet Cool and Safe this Summer!

How to choose a safe water feature:

Make sure to check the depth of your new potential water feature. It should be shallow, or have gently sloping sides, to ensure your pet could get out easily in case of an accident. If needed, fence off an area around the water feature so your pet cannot access it.

Consider installing a dual purpose water feature! A gentle stream, or fountain could provide entertainment and refreshment for a parched pet. Make your backyard a private oasis for both you and your pet this summer.




Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado SpringsSecuring the Parameters

Have a pup who LOVES to dig, or a curious cat? Concerned with coyotes wandering the area? Consider securing the parameter of your fence with PVC piping to keep your adventurous pets in…and potentially dangerous animals out. A quick trip to your home improvement store could make all of the difference in your pet’s safety.

Learn how to build a PVC piping roll bar fence here:

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