A wealth of resources for general pet health and wellness.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Tackling Animal Anxiety with iCalmPet

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Xylitol in Dogs: A Personal Story

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Household Items That Are Poisonous to Your Pets

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center recently released a list of the ten most common poisons that dogs ingest. What is immediately striking about the list is how ordinary each of the poisons is—most of us have these compounds in our homes or garages. The list is a reminder that it is important to keep medications and potentially toxic items locked up or stored safely away from our pets.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Types of Plants That Are Poisonous to Your Pet

Many of our friends are welcoming new plants into their home, and yard during this time (your pet sitters and dog walkers included!). Make sure your plants are safe all your four legged family members.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Why Do Cats Need Regular Pet Sitting Visits?

Contrary to popular belief, cats ARE social animals. While they may not be greeting you at the door with a wagging tail, they do enjoy the companionship of their human servants (US!) Learn more about how cats benefit from regular cat sitting visits.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Colorado Canine Orthopedics & Rehab

I visited my friends at Colorado Canine Orthopedics & Rehab (and brought my human, Susan, to take lots of fun photos!) Read more to find out what services they offer, and why I give them 4 PAWS UP!

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Colorado Springs

Could Your Home Pass a Pet Safety Test?

Our goal at PlayTime Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers is to keep your pets healthy and safe, whether in your care or ours. Check off your pet safety list with our following lists of common household dangers. 

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dog walkers 80906

Coping with Fireworks

Some pets are calm little souls and barely flinch at a startling crash or bang. Others find them unbearable. New Year’s Eve is infamous for clamorous sounds, none of which rattle your pets quite like fireworks. Though the raucousness of welcoming in the New Year can be difficult to avoid, there are ways to help your […]

Pet Sitters Colorado Springs

Fish Need Love & Attention Too!

A common disease that is seen in many pet fish is called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, also known as Ich. Ich is caused by a protozoan organism that is currently one of the most common parasites to infect fish.

Ferret Health

Ferret Health

Cunning and persistent, lively and gregarious, ferrets have become popular household pets. But owning a pet ferret is not always fun and games. They require just as much care and attention as a dog or a cat, as well as proper diet and adequate housing.