Did You Know?
PlayTime Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers feed, water, walk, cuddle, play with and love on your pets. But, we also do so much more!
Dog Training: Kerry Bramwell, our resident certified trainer, offers humane, effective, in-home training for dogs of all ages that includes manners, socialization, following basic commands and potty training. Kerry’s approach is tailored to your individual goals, is enjoyable, effective, and geared to build and maintain a fun, respectful relationship with your adult dog or puppy. Contact us today to learn more!
Medications: All of our pet sitters and dog walkers are qualified to give medications—from pills to injections. We have cared for numerous diabetic pets and many others with time-sensitive needs. We haven’t missed a single dose since PlayTime Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers first began. That’s over 20 years of ensuring your pets stay healthy and safe.
Doggy Park Field Trip: When it’s outdoor fun your dog pants for, we know all the best spots. Our doggy park field trips give your bow-wow up to two hours of frolicking around on the leash or off the leash in the safety of a designated, fenced area. We choose only the friendliest, safest greens that have been tried, tested and approved by us and our furry family members.
Overnight Stays: Our slumber parties keep nervous pets calm, lonely pets happy and fragile pets protected. It’s peace of mind for them and for you.
Vet Visits: The health of your animal is our primary concern. We’ll take them to the vet should something unexpected happen—no matter the time of day. Leaving a credit card on file makes it easy when it comes to paying for their treatment. Call or email us to talk about this, or anything else you’d like to know.
Call 719-475-7297 | Email 475paws@gmail.com | Homepage www.playtimepetsitters.com