dog-email-2Advice for Dogs

  • You should have your human fixed, even if it’s a purebred human. There are too many humans, and our big cities are over populated with them to the point where we are unable to feed and shelter all of them.
  • If your human talks to much, we suggest using a shock collar to train them not to talk so much.
  • If you must breed your human, even though we do not believe there are any good reasons for breeding humans, at least do genetic screening to help insure your human is a healthy one that conforms to breed standards.
  • Some humans are very hyper and will pull on their leash constantly, for these extreme cases, we recommend a choker collar.
  • If your human is aggressive and frequently starts fights, please put a muzzle on it when you take it out in public.
  • You should feed your human something better than purina human chow.
  • If your human is sick, you should not put it down just because you can’t afford the cost of surgery. You should re-arrange your budget or mortgage your dog house.
  • Don’t buy a human for your puppy just to teach it responsibility.
  • You should always carry “money” treats to reward your human. Humans love money and will do almost anything for money treats.
  • If your human attacks a dog, it should be put to sleep.
  • If you already own a male & a female human, you should be carefull about getting a third human. Two males will often fight very aggressively for the attention of the female, and two females will often do the same over a male human.
  • A good way to test a human for temperament, is to takes its money or food away from it to see if it reacts aggressively.
  • Some humans have a bad habit of peeing in the water bowl, if your human continuously goes to the bathroom in the house, we suggest you chain it outside.